So my time in voss is nearly up. I have spent the last week trying to think what exactly I should write to tell you bout all the different things we did, but I've enjoyed this experience a lot, the chance to live and work in a beautiful country has be a pleasure and I would very much do it again.
I have been in working in a kindergarten that does many things differently from back home for example they put the kids to sleep outside!, yes outside it is crazy but the staff, although not brilliant at English they were incredibly friendly and enthusiastic towards us. Another thing they do differently was they wore indoor shoes, now to begin with I didn't have indoor shoes so I walkeed about in my socks (not a good plan) it was cold so I ended up using some of the money to buy trainers for being indoors.
During this experience we clashed with there Easter break, in which everything closes for the week. Therefor that particular week we as a group took a trip to Bergen and did the norway in a nutshell tour, throughout this week I did some study as my exams were coming up after we return home. We were unable to go skiing as the insurance would not cover us, next time I'd hope to think you can go as it looks incredible, we did however go up and get photos from the top after be squished like sardines in a can, we also enjoyed a burger up there.
We ate out quite a bit tasting different food and spending quality time together as a group of friends. The occasional day we cooked pasta meals. Unfortunately I fell ill during this trip and missed a few days of my placement but I managed to get well again and enjoy my time more.
I sadly missed two of my families birthdays whilst here so I was very thankful for wifi to skype home to them, I have very much missed them and can't wait to be home, although this is the case I'd very much like to stay now that I'm comfortable within the area and the people who I've been working with.
I will try to add some photos when I return home as it isn't possible for me to retrieve them now.
I would recommend this trip for anyone just make sure your 100% prepared I.e bring plasters, tea bags ect hahaha
Thanks a lot for the opportunity I am very grateful and have had a fantastic time.
Sinead Haughian Lucock
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